Alumni Stories We Want to Tell

Our Ripon Tiger Nation website has a lot of great features for our alumni members. There’s our directory, which helps you connect with alumni of all ages. There are resources to help you find volunteer opportunities, alumni (or district) events and so much more. But one thing we like to do from time to time (and can always do more) is share stories about our alumni and what they’re currently doing out in the world.

That’s right--we want your stories, achievements and milestones. It’s great to be able to share with other alumni, as well as current students, what Ripon students have gone on to accomplish in their lives after school. Plus, as an alumni association, we want to do everything we can to celebrate our alumni, members or not.

Here are some of the kinds of stories we hope to tell:


  • Professional life: What sort of work do you now do? What path did you take to get to the current spot you’re in in your professional life? What are some of the unique aspects of your job or field? 
  • Post-high school journey: The journey people take after high school varies widely. Some go to college, others enter the workforce, some find apprenticeships and others join the military. It’s always interesting to look at the different paths taken by our alumni and to hear about the experiences they’ve had that shaped them.
  • Personal updates: What’s new in your life? Marriage, children, relocation, hobbies, interests… all of this is information people want to know when reading stories and updates about alumni.
  • Achievements: It’s always great to celebrate the achievements of our alumni. These could be personal or professional. Think promotions, awards, successful projects or programs, important milestones, etc.
  • Human interest: Human interest stories are always of interest. It’s great to read about people who overcome certain struggles or challenges, or who are making a positive difference in their communities, especially when they’re alumni.


Do you have any interesting stories to contribute? Send them in, and we’ll find a way to feature them on our website or in our newsletter!

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