Scholarship Honoring Retirees

The Ripon Education Foundation will honor several teachers retiring from the Ripon Area School District during its annual Scholarship Drive, April 25-29, 2022. Those teachers include Tracy Landerman, Kathryn McMillan and Sandy Polcyn. Combined, they have provided 84 years of service to the School District.

Cindy Cody, Coordinator of the Scholarship Drive, said, “Each year we raise funds to provide scholarships to graduates of Ripon High School. We recognize that the students’ accomplishments are made possible in part by the good work of teachers, and we think it is fitting to honor these dedicated teachers during our Scholarship Drive.”

During the drive, social media posts will feature each of the retiring teachers, and individuals will have the opportunity to donate to the scholarship fund in their honor. “We hope this process will highlight the importance of good teaching and provide a means for individuals to show their appreciation of the work these educators have done for our children and youth over the years,” said Jeanne Williams, President of the Ripon Education Foundation.

“I appreciate the Ripon Education Foundation’s efforts to find a way for us as parents, educators and community members to recognize and celebrate the careers of our retiring teachers,” said Mary Whitrock, Superintendent of Schools. “The REF Scholarship Drive supports such an important cause and honors individuals who have given so much to our students.” 

Funds raised throughout the annual event will support the Foundation’s Scholarship Fund. The scholarship fund supports Ripon students attending either two-year or four-year accredited colleges and universities. Since 1999, the foundation has awarded more than $160,000 to Ripon students headed for universities and technical colleges. Last year, Ripon Education Foundation awarded $8,500 in scholarships from the drive plus additional scholarships from other funds donated for scholarships.

Donations to the Ripon Education Foundation Scholarship Drive can be made online or be mailed to the REF Scholarship Drive, P. O. Box 395, Ripon, WI 54971.  If you wish to honor a teacher with your donation. please write their name(s) on the memo line of your check.

Established in 1997, the Ripon Education Foundation, Inc. is an independent, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation managed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of community members. All contributions to the Ripon Education Foundation are used to support teaching and learning in the Ripon Area School District or for scholarships for graduating Ripon students. The Ripon Education Foundation works in partnership with Oshkosh Area Community Foundation.  For more information, visit the foundation website at or follow the Foundation on Facebook or Instagram at Ripon Education Foundation, Inc.

The logo for this year’s Scholarship Drive was created by Sam Wiegel, RHS Class of 2024. 

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