
The Value of a Great Education

Whether it’s at an international conference or a local school board meeting, education is one of the most widely discussed topics at every level—and for good reason. The quality of education children receive can make a huge difference in the rest of their lives. 

In the Ripon Area School District, our students, alumni and community members are well aware of the benefits of a high-quality education.


Education and personal wellbeing

Education affects individuals in very personal and lasting ways. For one, it is one of the biggest determining factors with regard to expected lifetime earnings and general success. The higher the level of education a person achieves, the more likely they are to secure a high-paying job. This means your education can have a lasting, lifelong impact on your financial wellbeing.

Because so many full-time positions require applicants to have earned a college degree, employment rates tend to be lower among those without that level of education. The jobs available to people with a high school diploma or lower tend to be less lucrative and less consistent than those available to college graduates. 

However, this does not mean that everyone has to get a four-year degree. Those with specialized vocational training—such as radiation therapists, electricians and web developers—can make high salaries and work in fields with low unemployment. 


Global effects of education

Education influences so much more than just an individual’s success and earnings potential—it also affects society on a national and global level. Communities with greater access to education and a more educated population tend to have healthier economies, lower levels of poverty, less crime and better quality of life. Education also promotes innovation and creativity within a community, sparking new ideas to advance technology and make the world a better place.

To ensure that future generations are given greater educational opportunities, it’s essential for people at every level of society to support educational organizations and institutions. This starts with local school districts like the Ripon Area School District.

We're fortunate to live, work and learn in a community that supports its public schools. If you would like to get more involved, whether it's through volunteering, mentoring or making a financial contribution, we encourage you to contact us at Ripon Tiger Nation.

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