Why We Love Our Tigers

5 Reasons Why We Love Ripon Tiger Nation

It’s February, and Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. We thought we’d get in the spirit a bit and discuss all the reasons why we love being a part of our alumni association! 


Here are just five reasons why being a part of this organization is so special.


  • The community: This is the best thing about being involved in any alumni association--you get to connect and interact with fellow alumni of Ripon schools of all years and ages. It may be people you went to high school with, or people who came long before or after you. But we all have our love of our alma mater in common, and all care about doing what we can to support the school and its current generation of students.
  • The events: Whether it’s a football tailgate, a fundraising gala or any kind of meetup throughout the year, it’s always great to get together with fellow Ripon alumni and have a great time!
  • The influence: As alumni, we have a unique ability to be a positive influence on current and future generations of students. This influence can come in different forms, such as volunteering, mentoring, donating or general advocacy. But no matter what method we choose, we have the ability to support positive initiatives in schools and help today’s students have the same great experiences and opportunities we did (and new and exciting ones too!). Check out Tiger Jerry Buhrow from the Class of 2004 who spent time with RASD 4th graders to talk about his work with NASA at the Kennedy Space Center!
  • The nostalgia: High school might not necessarily be “the best days of your life,” but it’s still always fun to reflect and reminisce about those days, especially with fellow alumni. There’s something special about seeing old traditions continue to go on, and having the opportunity to connect with other alumni and share our stories and memories.


If you haven’t joined Ripon Tiger Nation yet, there’s never been a better time! Become a member of our organization today.



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